{FiBo} The FibWave Bot

A hyper intelligent trading algo engine that manages your trades and risks.

Trading manually is the thing of the past. Easily start & manage your stock trading while accelerating your growth using {FiBo}.

“Your Very Own Trade Bot”.

Features of {FiBo}

{FiBo} acts as a guide for investing in Low-Risk Diversified Sectors with a focus on identifying potential winners.

  • A hyper intelligent Algo trading engine that manages your trades and your risks.
  • With its super intuitive AI / ML Capabilities, {FiBo} can identify opportunities and at the same time averse risks on your accounts.
  • {FiBo} is not just an order shooting bot, {FiBo} manages portfolio risks based on your allocation.
  • {FiBo} engages on to your trading broker account via an api bridge, its that simple.
  • You can manage/engage/disengage {FiBo} anytime you wish from your broker account or your FibWave terminal, its that adaptive.

What You pay


Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly.


Hurdle rate on overall profit.

UHNI/Hedge Fund

Yearly Mangement Fees, Fixed Performance Fees.

Get started in minutes

1. Login

Create your very own account with FibWave

2. KYC

Verify your contact number and complete KYC which is needed to proceed further while maintaining security.

3. Choose The Plan

Choose your subscription preference. We offer various options as per your convenience.

4. Engage

{FiBo} does its magic while you can manage/engage/disengage {FiBo} anytime from your trading account or FibWave terminal.

FibWave Prime

FibWave Prime aims at providing a 360° solution to your stock trading needs. Monitor, Manage, and Analyze with your very own tradebot, {FiBo}. {FiBo} is a AI/ML based proprietary trading algorithm.

FibWave Analytics

FibWave Analytics builds safe and high yielding market strategies to facilitate {FiBo} FWA also provides opportunities through its unique pool fund concept to steadily grow corpus for mid-income groups.